Motivation is a force that drives student learning and academic success. Motivation is dynamic and can be enhanced through certain teaching-learning practices and arrangements in the curriculum. This workshop will be conducted by Dr Rashmi Kusurkar who has completed her PhD on student motivation. The main format of the workshop will be interaction between the participants through pre-formulated activities.
Enhancing intrinsic motivation of students: Using Self-determination theory
At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to understand: what is motivation; Self-determination theory of motivation and its principles; why motivation is important in learning and academic success; how factors in the learning environment can influence student motivation and how can student motivation be enhanced at a classroom level.
The programme consists of explanation of SDT concepts, working on motivation scenarios in small groups and discussion of concrete tips on enhancing motivation.
Target audience
Teachers, Tutors, Curriculum Coordinators, and Educational Programme Directors and Planners
Total time
3 hours (can be lengthened or shortened as per requirement)
Number of participants
8 to 15
€500,- (including travel costs within the Netherlands)
Extra costs for traveling will be applied for international workshops
Free for people working at VU University Amsterdam

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Bart van Elswijk