Keynote speakers
Liesbeth Smit

How to create more impact with your research online? Liesbeth Smit is the co-founder of The Online Scientist, a science communication bureau that helps scientists communicate their research to the public in a clear, exciting and interactive way. She develops websites, e-learning courses, presentations and infographics for scientists and turns their research into something that appeals to any public. With an academic background in nutrition research at Harvard School of Public Health and VU University, she combines her scientific knowledge with design skills to create engaging online tools and graphics without losing sight of scientific nuances. Her mission is to make science sexy and easy to understand. She believes that science should be shared with the world and be accessible to everyone.
Martijn van Oijen

Martijn van Oijen PhD is a principal investigator (PI) appointed as Associate Professor at the department of Medical Oncology at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam. Concurrently, he serves as methodology consultant for IKNL, and is a member of the scientific committee of PALGA.
He studied biomedical sciences with two majors -epidemiology and health technology assessment- and obtained his PhD at the Radboud University Medical Center. Martijn van Oijen has worked as an Assistant Professor at UMC Utrecht and as Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Quality Initiative at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
His research group focuses on improving the quality of cancer care by forming and analyzing large datasets, combined with state of the art information technology, including digital decision support tools and wearable technology.