International Online Course to become Facilitator Moral Case Deliberation
Be welcome to subscribe to this unique international training on facilitating Moral Case Deliberation (MCD) in your own healthcare institution. In this training program, you will acquire basic knowledge and advanced dialogical skills required for facilitating MCD by means of the dilemmamethod. After successfully completing the training assignments and requirements you will receive a certificate issued by the Amsterdam University Medical Centres.
In today’s healthcare setting, professionals and institutions are increasingly confronted with a rising number of moral issues, requiring ethical reflection. MCD is a structured, critical yet constructive group dialogue guided by a trained facilitator about a concrete moral dilemma experienced by the healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses, managers and directors, facility staff etc), During the meeting the personal perspectives of the people involved in the case and of the staff members are systematically explored. The process ultimately leads the participants to weigh and motivate what is most important, and from there to define strategies to deal with and decide upon the concrete case at stake. All along, MCD is used for strengthening professionals’ moral competency, team cooperation and developing guidelines, policy or ethics support tools. Almost two decades of scientific evaluations regarding MCD show consistent positive results.
The Ethics Support team of the Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities of Amsterdam UMC has a track record of almost 20 years of training MCD facilitators, nationally and internationally. Across the years the training has been continuously developing based on new insights and scientific evaluations. The Covid-19 pandemic challenged us to develop a fully online course that provides the knowledge and skills to become a certified MCD facilitator for both face to face and online MCD sessions. It furthermore made clear the advantages and possibilities of learning online, while our participants evaluated it being successful as well:
“The UMC course to become a facilitator in MCD has really deepened my knowledge in the ethical approach to the method as well as it has given me the confidence to practicing it in various settings. The combination of self-study, practice, group/self-reflection and 1:1 trainercoaching enables a wholesome way of learning everything you need to know in order to facilitate MCD in your own context.”
“The course taught me to actively listen in meetings instead of focusing what I want to say next. This now makes my professional interactions much more constructive, not only as facilitator of ethics case discussions, but also in other meeting situations.”
“In the MCD training, I learned how to feel confident as facilitator of ethical case discussions. The role as facilitator can also encompass handling challenging situations. During our training sessions, we had ample opportunities for practicing how to handle such situations and to stay calm in the role as facilitator.”
“In particular, in meeting situations where the participants might express different, possibly opposing views and opinions, I learned how valuable it can be for solving such situations to ask questions that deepen the understanding of these views instead of arguing over what would possibly be the ‘right’ view.”
This training program is developed for any employee working in the field of healthcare, including ethics support staff. If you wish to subscribe, knowledge of ethical theories is not a necessity. Being able to speak and write well in English is an important necessity though, as the training program and sessions are in English. You need to have some experience with moderating group reflections or activities and have the possibility to facilitate at least 4 MCD sessions in between the separate training sessions. If these MCD sessions take place within your own organization this of course can be done in your own language.
The training program is focused on learning by doing and will provide participants the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate MCD using the dilemma method. Special attention will be paid to develop a Socratic and dialogical attitude of the MCD facilitator. During the training participants are expected to practice their role of MCD-facilitator, preferably within their own current organization or team (ethics committees or ward’s team). Therefore it can be helpful to participate as a duo (of colleagues). And since practicing MCD starts directly after the first training session, we strongly advise to start planning them as soon as possible. Participants build up a portfolio of assessment forms and reflection reports while being supported and supervised by a mentor.
Expect a rich variety of tools and didactic methods throughout the training, such as online MCD sessions, plenary training sessions, reflection sessions in which we also pay attention to literature about the background of MCD, peer supervision and assignments in between the training sessions. In addition the training we will provide participants with an ample amount of theoretical papers and lectures about MCD.
The time investment required to complete the training course is approximately 50 hours (reading literature, online lectures, 4 training & 2 reflection sessions, practicing 4X MCD, preferably in your organization). Moreover, as prerequisite for your subscription, an assessment interview of 0,5 hours is included as well as at least 2 online MCD’s facilitated by Amsterdam UMC. Halfway the training an MCD facilitated by one of the trainers is planned. An overview is provided below:

In order to apply for this training, you are kindly asked to send the application form attached, plus a motivational letter covering your experience with ethics support, your expectations regarding the training and your possibilities to practice MCD in (or outside) your workplace to before February 1st, 2023.
On receipt of your application form and motivational letter you will be sent a confirmation by e-mail and will be invited for an interview with one of the trainers. After the interview, you will receive an e-mail informing you whether you can join in the training. If so, this e-mail will also include payment instructions. After receiving your payment, you are formally registered. Please note that the number of participants is limited in order to guarantee the quality of learning.
The training fee is €3.250,- (excl. VAT). This fee includes an online manual, literature, hand-outs, video lectures, exercises, reflection forms, supervising/ assessment sessions with your personal mentor and a certificate after fulfilling all training requirements.
A lowered price is offered for applicants from low- and middle-income countries (based on the yearly EOCD list). For further details and in case the price is the only issue preventing you from registering please contact us.
If you (have to) cancel the training up until 6 weeks before the set (start) date, you owe 25% of the training fee. By cancellation between 6 and 4 weeks before the (start) date, you owe 50% of the training fee. Cancelling less than 4 weeks before the start of the training means paying the full price of the training. The date of cancellation (in writing) will be taken as reference.
Questions regarding our training? Do not hesitate to contact us: Are you curious about our publications on MCD? You are welcome to contact us to receive a copy.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think may be interested in attending this course!
We look forward to welcome you in our training!