PhD Dissertations 2021

Annelot Breedveld
IgA - The art of balancing between host protection and auto-immunity
Thesis defense: 1-7-2021
Promotores: prof. dr. M. van Egmond, prof. dr. R. Mebius
Sophie Dusoswa
Glioblastoma immunotherapy. Catching an elusive tumour
Thesis defense; 29-6-2021
Promotor: prof. dr. Y. van Kooyk
Copromotor: dr. J.J. Juan Garcia
Sanne Duinkerken
Dancing with dendritic cells: Targeting human skin dendritic cells for anti-tumor immunity
Thesis defense: 21—01-2021
Promotor: prof. dr. Y. van Kooyk
Copromotores: dr. J.J. Garcia Valejo, prof. dr. T.D. de Gruijl

Thanos Blanas
Aberrant cancer glycosylation: a potent regulator of tumor growth and anti-tumor immunity
Thesis defense: 12-01-2021
Promotor: prof. dr. Y. van Kooyk
Copromotor: dr. S.J. van Vliet